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Level 88 quest ideas!

Apr 02, 2011
So after a wile the schools havent had many minions so for the next world we should have minion quests! So here you go!

Livithan minion:
Pip cost: X
Acuracy: 95%
This minion is rank 10, has 750 health for each pip, and has 90 storm critical rationg and 90 critical block rating.

Snow Angel Minion:
Pip cost: X
Acuracy: 95%
This minion is rank 10, has 985 health for each pip, and has 110 ice critical rating and 110 critical block rating.

Efreet Minion:
Pip cost: X
Acuracy: 95%
This minion is rank 10, has 685 health for each pip: and has 70 fire critical rating 70 critical block rating.

Scarecrow Minion:
Pip cost: X
Acuracy: 95%
This minion is rank 10, has 895 health for each pip, and has 100 death critical rating and 100 critical block rating.

Gnome Minion:
Pip cost: X
Acuracy: 95%
This minion is rank 10, has 920 health for pip, and has 95 life critical rating and 95 critical block rating.

Medusa Minion:
Pip cost: X
Acuracy: 95%
This minion is rank 10, has 840 health for each pip, and has 80 myth critical and 80 critical block rating.

Ra Minion:
Pip cost: X
Acuracy: 95%
This minion is rank 10, has 950 health for each pip, and has 105 balance critical and 105 critical block.

Hope you like it and I hope kingsile makes these minion spells!