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Dec 11, 2011
Hello fellow Wizards!

I have leveled 3 characters out of DragonSpyre.

I find the most boring time is Mooshu-DragonSpyre.

My Death is currently in Village of Sorrow and I can't get enough motivation to get it's AoE (Lvl 35). I know when I finish MS, it's off to DS. It's what is keeping me from leveling. DragonSpyre isn't impossible without an AoE, though it does take longer. I soloed with my Life all the way to Forest Lord. I just can't get enough motivation to do it twice.

Soo, with all of this said, how do I get enough motivation to level up my Death? Buy Scarecrow TC? Don't level him? Get through it with help? It's a long way until Scarecrow. Any tips? :?

Thanks in advance!


~Eric CrowSpear -80
~Eric LifeGiver -80
~Eric SoulStalker-35

Feb 07, 2011
gtafreak101 wrote:
Hello fellow Wizards!

I have leveled 3 characters out of DragonSpyre.

I find the most boring time is Mooshu-DragonSpyre.

My Death is currently in Village of Sorrow and I can't get enough motivation to get it's AoE (Lvl 35). I know when I finish MS, it's off to DS. It's what is keeping me from leveling. DragonSpyre isn't impossible without an AoE, though it does take longer. I soloed with my Life all the way to Forest Lord. I just can't get enough motivation to do it twice.

Soo, with all of this said, how do I get enough motivation to level up my Death? Buy Scarecrow TC? Don't level him? Get through it with help? It's a long way until Scarecrow. Any tips? :?

Thanks in advance!


~Eric CrowSpear -80
~Eric LifeGiver -80
~Eric SoulStalker-35

Hey there, Eric~

I've also put 3 wizards past Dragonspyre~ Balance (80), Death (66), and Storm (52). Next up is Tavia, my Life wiz~ like my necromancer at the same level, she has no AOE; she's in Mooshu, and I have no clue how I'm supposed to get her past Malistaire (and his many, many minions) without an AOE.

How Valerian (my Death wiz) and I stuck it to the man:

I gave him Myth as a secondary, for Humungofrog and Earthquake (and the Ether Shields, which were great for Dark Pact, Sacrifice, and Empower). I skipped GH with him, so he didn't get Scarecrow until right before the showdown with Malistaire~ even then, I kept Earthquake in my sideboard... worst-case scenario survival guide, blah blah. And, if I said I didn't rely heavily on enchantment treasure cards, it would be a total lie.


Motivation? Uh, do what I did in Celestia... Just keep telling yourself that you'll get out of there (or get something out of it) eventually. Here's my own story (which will hopefully terrify and inspire you, LOL):

Taking Val to Celestia after the Malistaire fight was the rudest awakening EVER~ he struggled through the early battles, completely lost his footing, and became my least-played character.

Death is hard to play at the higher levels, for one reason~ it's the trap-happy school, and requires extensive buffing to be effective. When mobs and bosses start with 6-8 power pips, chain stun, and critical every other turn, necromancers don't have the time to buff up for a strong hit; oftentimes, Val was defeated before he even got a shot off, which frustrated me to no end~ those crustacean quests? Yeah, they nearly did us both in!

Having been in Celestia for almost 7 levels (49-55), he'd made it as far as Stormriven when I abandoned all hope and took him to Wintertusk instead. Surprisingly, he did fine there~ minimal defeats, and no issues with soloing; he hit Legendary status in Nastrond and, with my newfound hope that, maybe, we could do this after all, I shipped him back to Stormriven at level 62.

After that, I muddled through the rest of CL, purposely avoiding Mithraya until one of my higher-level friends (whom I met on my archmage Balance wizard) was able to help. We ended things on a high note~ coasted through Trial of the Spheres, with minimal assistance, and finally escaped that death pit at level 65.

(Val is now happily questing in Zafaria, and those endless Water-Maton quests are now a thing of the past... at least for him, since I've got another wizard (Sestiva, a grandmaster diviner) headed there shortly. Oh well... At least one of us is safe!)

Good luck!

El Veeb,
the Archmage of Awesomeness

Dec 11, 2011
vonawesome1 wrote:
gtafreak101 wrote:
Hello fellow Wizards!

I have leveled 3 characters out of DragonSpyre.

I find the most boring time is Mooshu-DragonSpyre.

My Death is currently in Village of Sorrow and I can't get enough motivation to get it's AoE (Lvl 35). I know when I finish MS, it's off to DS. It's what is keeping me from leveling. DragonSpyre isn't impossible without an AoE, though it does take longer. I soloed with my Life all the way to Forest Lord. I just can't get enough motivation to do it twice.

Soo, with all of this said, how do I get enough motivation to level up my Death? Buy Scarecrow TC? Don't level him? Get through it with help? It's a long way until Scarecrow. Any tips? :?

Thanks in advance!


~Eric CrowSpear -80
~Eric LifeGiver -80
~Eric SoulStalker-35

Hey there, Eric~

I've also put 3 wizards past Dragonspyre~ Balance (80), Death (66), and Storm (52). Next up is Tavia, my Life wiz~ like my necromancer at the same level, she has no AOE; she's in Mooshu, and I have no clue how I'm supposed to get her past Malistaire (and his many, many minions) without an AOE.

How Valerian (my Death wiz) and I stuck it to the man:

I gave him Myth as a secondary, for Humungofrog and Earthquake (and the Ether Shields, which were great for Dark Pact, Sacrifice, and Empower). I skipped GH with him, so he didn't get Scarecrow until right before the showdown with Malistaire~ even then, I kept Earthquake in my sideboard... worst-case scenario survival guide, blah blah. And, if I said I didn't rely heavily on enchantment treasure cards, it would be a total lie.


Motivation? Uh, do what I did in Celestia... Just keep telling yourself that you'll get out of there (or get something out of it) eventually. Here's my own story (which will hopefully terrify and inspire you, LOL):

Taking Val to Celestia after the Malistaire fight was the rudest awakening EVER~ he struggled through the early battles, completely lost his footing, and became my least-played character.

Death is hard to play at the higher levels, for one reason~ it's the trap-happy school, and requires extensive buffing to be effective. When mobs and bosses start with 6-8 power pips, chain stun, and critical every other turn, necromancers don't have the time to buff up for a strong hit; oftentimes, Val was defeated before he even got a shot off, which frustrated me to no end~ those crustacean quests? Yeah, they nearly did us both in!

Having been in Celestia for almost 7 levels (49-55), he'd made it as far as Stormriven when I abandoned all hope and took him to Wintertusk instead. Surprisingly, he did fine there~ minimal defeats, and no issues with soloing; he hit Legendary status in Nastrond and, with my newfound hope that, maybe, we could do this after all, I shipped him back to Stormriven at level 62.

After that, I muddled through the rest of CL, purposely avoiding Mithraya until one of my higher-level friends (whom I met on my archmage Balance wizard) was able to help. We ended things on a high note~ coasted through Trial of the Spheres, with minimal assistance, and finally escaped that death pit at level 65.

(Val is now happily questing in Zafaria, and those endless Water-Maton quests are now a thing of the past... at least for him, since I've got another wizard (Sestiva, a grandmaster diviner) headed there shortly. Oh well... At least one of us is safe!)

Good luck!

El Veeb,
the Archmage of Awesomeness

Thank you for the advice! It's a good thing I trained Myth out of context at my lower levels on him
