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Midnight Pagda Gauntlet gift card

Sep 17, 2010
Dear KI,
I have a question. I recently went to my local target to go get a Midnight Pagoda Gauntlet gift card and I could not find it. I checked everywhere in the store where there were gift cards and I couldn't find it and it wasn't sold out or out of stock (I asked the store owner when I went in). So that leads to my question. Where do you find the Midnight Pagoda Gauntlet gift card in target or do you think they just didn't have it.
Nathan Firemask
Level 75 necromancer

Feb 12, 2011
I got mine at Target, so they do have them. Did you find ANY game cards? Target also has a regular $20 W101 game card as well, and they are all kept (at least in my store) in/near the electronics/game department. The pre-paid game cards are NOT kept with all the other regular "gift cards" that are usually kept near the front.