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101 games?

May 21, 2011
Hey, I had an idea, seeing that there is wizard101, and soon there will be pirate101, shouldnt there be a whole series or 101 games? i am hoping there will be. I know i should say this yet but couldnt another game be medieval101 or something? this coulod be based around the time of merlin or something like that! another could be stranded101, or survivor101 or island101, all the same thing, but where you are stranded on an island and you find human/animal population? there are just my ideas that i wanted to share here. the spiral doors, there would all be in the spiral but on the island one, there are other islands, and its based on a world which is made of ocean and islands. the medieval one the spiral door takes you to other kingdoms?

these are just my ideas ans i know they wont do any of this now if they do that at all.

please post your ideas for other 101 games

~sydney pixie

Apr 02, 2011