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Jul 03, 2012
What level do you have to be to go into Nightside? ( I know you have to be death I just don't know what level!)

Apr 08, 2012
To go into nightside, you have to do the three streets that connect to olde town. And I forgot what level you have to be to do it, sorry. Then, you have to get a quest to defeat foulgaze in olde town, then quest later, you go and defeat nightshade in haunted cave. and also, you don't have to be a death wizard to go into nightside.

How do I change the Above "Novince Wizard" (sorry for my spelling) to Adept?

Hope this helps! :D

Richard Starbright
Adept Balance Wizard

Mar 31, 2012
you have to finish triton avenue colossal bluvard and fire cat alley. than you go talk to ambrose and he tells you tp defeat foulgaze in olde town and than lord nightside in the haunted cave. than you get nightside. i got it around lvl 12.

grandmaster necromancer
grandmaster sorcer