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Being able to add only certain levels.

Nov 26, 2011
Hello everyone. I was thinking that we had a option to only recieve friend requests from certain levels. For example, you can set it to levels 35-80 or something like that. If any level lower than that tries to add you, it will say: Insert name here is currently not adding your level, or something silimar to that. Anyone agree/disagree?


Jul 08, 2011
wizardgirl1840 wrote:
Hello everyone. I was thinking that we had a option to only recieve friend requests from certain levels. For example, you can set it to levels 35-80 or something like that. If any level lower than that tries to add you, it will say: Insert name here is currently not adding your level, or something silimar to that. Anyone agree/disagree?


I like this idea, because every time you walk through the commons to go to the bazaar, hatchery, arena, where ever you are going, you get spammed with:

Luke skywalker level 5 wants to add you!

Taylor swift level 7 wants to add you!

Jack frost level 3 wants to add you!

I find it annoying, it should be an option in the privacy options of the menu

Oct 07, 2008
I have to admit, that would help a lot. I'm always having people a lower level than I am ask for help in a dungeon I completed a while ago, it's a huge problem.