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Death spell idea

Jul 28, 2010
Alright so I have had this idea for a whole and I think it fits perfectly for death.

Headless horseman

The animation would go a scarecrow pops up like the rank 7 spell but instead of it attacking the horseman appears grabbing the head of the scare crow. ( I figured this would be a nice play from the mammoth ice spell since they use snowman)
So once he has his head he will use his sythe and hit the enemy.

Now damage wise it depends and rank wise it depends. Before I was thinking it should be the next multi attack spell for death but deer knight came out so now I was thinking it should be single enemy spell. If ki decides to go with a rank 10 spell this one should either be damage over time or a single hit. I would rather have a damage over time with a stun or some form of weakness.

Well it's up to you guys for damage it really all depends on if we get a 10 pip spell.