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Name Changing

Oct 15, 2010
Hey people! I have a great idea that I would definitely like to use myself.

These are my ideas:

Dye Shop: Next to Pet Name Changing feature, there's a new icon that has a name (maybe?) and when you click on it, it shows the name picker* and below that is a cost. 2500c for one name, 5000c for two, 7500c for three/ or just flat 5000 crowns.

Crown Shop Idea 1: In a new pack... sort of like the Reward spells.

Crown Shop Idea 2: Drink a Name Changing Elixir and the name picker* will show up

Crown Shop Idea 3: A whole new item, tell me your ideas on what area of crown shop, how you use it...

Also, tell me which one you like the most! I hope KI makes this...

*name picker= the object which you picked your name before the tutorial.

PS: I need this because my Life's name is Noah WinterMask which is nothing like a Life name. Please add this!

Sorry young Wizards, but the name you chose from the naming wheels is the name your Wizard will carry with it throughout its adventures.

Keep in mind, if you're really not happy with it, you can have up to 6 different Wizards on a single account! You can always make a new Wizard, and choose the name from the naming wheel that you prefer.
