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Supercharge should give 20% per pip

Aug 21, 2009
Storm lacks blades and the blades storm does have are such low per percent compared to other schools which is a problem as my storm is out damaged by most of my other characters.

Supercharge gives a blade of 10% per pip (storm gets lots of white pips due to horrible pip chance percent) and with forteen pips storm would be better off making two storm lord attacks both with enhancement cards upon them than one storm lord attack with a 70% supercharge blade (not to mention that such a bladed attack likely will be messed up before even casting it). At 20% per pip rather than 10% supercharge becomes useable and storm may be able to regain its position somewhat in being the top damage dealer.

Mar 18, 2009
seasnake wrote:
Storm lacks blades and the blades storm does have are such low per percent compared to other schools which is a problem as my storm is out damaged by most of my other characters.

Supercharge gives a blade of 10% per pip (storm gets lots of white pips due to horrible pip chance percent) and with forteen pips storm would be better off making two storm lord attacks both with enhancement cards upon them than one storm lord attack with a 70% supercharge blade (not to mention that such a bladed attack likely will be messed up before even casting it). At 20% per pip rather than 10% supercharge becomes useable and storm may be able to regain its position somewhat in being the top damage dealer.

If you having troubles getting power pips for your storm and you don't want the pip gear, try casting PowerPlay, it's the reason the spell was created. Doubling the amount of the best blade in the game, is very unlikely to happen.