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Next world idea

A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
Ok, Krokotopia has been on the Elemental end for a loooooong time now. Why don't the baddies ever return to the past worlds? Are they not important anymore? There must be something hidden deep inside the sands of Krokotopia other then the Krokenamicon!

Ok, so here's my idea. Morganthe is trying to form her most power minion/pet, whatever. Just like she did back in the Chancel. She would then go to Krokotopia, and then go through that one road that was blocked by those huge fallen bricks.

Those bricks then lead underground, deeper then the dig site. You know when that one Marleybonian said that some of his men got trapped there or something? Well, some of the Marleybonians are going to guide you through quests. Then, at the end, it shows a cutscene of Morganthe getting the item. Maybe a king's soul? And then she turns around and sees you. She grabs the king's soul and then summons a krok demon as her minion to fight you, she teleports away, leaving the krok demon and you to fight 1 on 1. So, how do you like it? I won't make the whole storyline because KI is the best at making these things.