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Rp Server?

Feb 07, 2012
Yes I'm fully aware that I'm probably going to get hounded for this but to those that think rping is for nerds or a three letter word that in older times meant 'happy'. TWO WORDS


If a server exists already that's for rpers by all means please enlighten me to which one. :D

But I think introducing a rp server would be awesome. I find roleplaying to be a fun activity but unless there is some segregation between servers my concerns are that cyber bullying will become a problem to rpers like me minding their own business. Mind you I just started today and have not come across any form of cyber bullying as of yet but from personal experience on other mmo's there have been some cases where postings like this or even in game on a rp server someone has made a character for malicious purposes of taunting someone for what they enjoy doing.

Coming back to the idea of a rp server it allows players to not ownly building up on gear but also how their characters would act in situations. It's an escape portal that's buried under lore and the story that goes with the game. The player contributes by making something thats under their control by their rules. The creativity goes as far as the players belonging to that server which is endless.

Feb 25, 2009
Cyber Bullying has already hit this game. There are steps that can be taken that KI has already put into place, such as the REPORT button that is on every players stat card. You also need to be aware of what is REPORTABLE as an OFFENSE.

Below is a link that will help. Once you click on the link, scroll to the bottom of the page and look under "Wizard101 Sanction Questions".


Mar 18, 2009
The problem in this is there aren't actually any "different" servers. Players can move about freely between realms. It doesn't work like other games where they have different servers for different functions (role-playing, PvP, Faction, etc).

Unless KI saw a huge demand in this, I doubt they would take valuable server commodities from the general populace to create a seperate server just for RPers (and you wouldn't be able to move back and forth).

Matter of fact, I see even more MMOs moving towards the Wizard101 and FreeRealms model of servers. The kind that doesn't restrict family and friends based on the selection of their server at initial character creation.