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Can't Dye Clothes Bought with Crowns

Sep 10, 2010
I recently bought items with crowns. I want to dye the outfits I bought but when I go to the dye shop there are no colors to choose from for my crown purchases. How do I fix this?

Dec 23, 2009
poilkjnm wrote:
I recently bought items with crowns. I want to dye the outfits I bought but when I go to the dye shop there are no colors to choose from for my crown purchases. How do I fix this?

i don't think there is a way to fix this. but. when you buy gear that you can dye from the crown shop in the future, it lets you choose the colors and dye before ya dye. it does not prompt you to dye though. i not sure if the price goes up. (it certainly does not if your buying with crowns but with gold, maybe) to dye you click on something you want to buy. then you click on the - see how this looks button around the buy button somewhere- then you click on choose colors (or it might say dye, i not sure) then you choose your colors!!!! then click buy.

i hope this helps you and any1 else in the future when buying crown gear!