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connection to local host lost

Nov 22, 2010
on my laptop, when i access this website, I at times get windows 7 popping up a message that it can't connect to server at local host.

This usually happens after I sign in and then try to reply to a message in one of the forum threads.

I'm at a loss here. The hosts file says that everything is being handled through DNS, including resolution to local host. any ideas?

We just encountered this issue ourselves. Thank you for reporting it, we will work to correct this as quickly as we can.

A work around is to simply go to the homepage to log in to the website, then navigate to the Message Boards.

Mar 18, 2009

I had this issue too, but for older Windows users it stated that the certificates could not be trusted. I too found out through trial and error that logging in on the home page then going to the message boards works. The opposite just results in error.