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Cards not showing

Dec 02, 2009
Alright so I'm a level 5, and I got that wand that you start with a pip so Every round I start with 2 pips but my cards are in black and white and I can't use them I can only use my 0 pip cards. Can someone help me?

May 20, 2010
A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
silentfizz wrote:
Alright so I'm a level 5, and I got that wand that you start with a pip so Every round I start with 2 pips but my cards are in black and white and I can't use them I can only use my 0 pip cards. Can someone help me?

in order to cast a spell ya need the right amount of pips and mana

to get mana get blue wisps they restore your mana

Feb 14, 2010
You must be out of mana. Spells above 0 pip require mana to cast.
Look for the blue colored wisps floating around and gather a bunch of thos to restore your mana (the blue bottle).

May 21, 2010
first of all: how do you get a wand with extra pip at level five? i am not trying to be rude, but i thought you get them a little later. You may not have enough pips for those spells or it is just a glitch. power pips are two pips but only for your school. I hope this helps, if it doesn't try emailing KI and maybe they can help.
Kane WyrmBlood 51 Pyromancer