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No Pets

Apr 20, 2009
I don't know if I am unlucky or is it just really rare to get a pet on KIfreegames this month. I have played doodle dug literally over 20 times and have got prizes from teir 3 to 9 and haven't gotten any pets. None. Is it just really rare to get a pet or am I unlucky. All I have gotten so far are energy elixirs, mega snack packs, regular snacks, and gold. I really need those pets .

Jul 25, 2009
it is rare to get pets on wizard101 if your trying for prizes i have only gotten four pets and they were all dragons in 2008 i started wizard 101 when it came out and i know by expierence that it was easier . to get pets and rare pets trust my they got rid of some of the good ones but they still have ice cepart and fire separt dont expect to get rare pets easly its harder now then it was . in 2009 they had a list of pets locations and info about even powers for pets the list han every pet there was. so good luck on getting a rare pet .

Mar 08, 2009
Its just luck of the draw. Some of those pets are retired and found in Beckett (sry spelling) like the Fog unicorn and storm beetle so they are made especially rare. I play sorcery stones about twice a day, hitting tier 6 and never getting the pet ( not complaining btw I don't really care about it much, I just do it for free time). Its similar to pet drops, like that storm cat. Very rare to get. Just have some patience and you will possibly get it. You still have the rest of June so don't worry. Good luck getting the pet you want!