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Balance's Accuracy

Dec 18, 2008
I have recently noticed that my balance wizard has had some fizzles as of late with Judgement or Spectral Blast that were NOT that of the card's 85% accuracy. As in, i believe that KI has lowered balances accuracy without saying as much. When judgement fizzles 3 times in a row, it's obvious that something has happened to the accuracy of balance. So KI if you're gonna lower the accuracy of something at least say so on the cards?

May 20, 2010
Dec 18, 2008
luck has no say in this at all, if you do the math there is no possible way that judgement or any balance spell should fizzle three times in a row if KI kept the accuracy at 85%

Jun 04, 2010
awesome34 wrote:
luck has no say in this at all, if you do the math there is no possible way that judgement or any balance spell should fizzle three times in a row if KI kept the accuracy at 85%

Yes, its very very possible. I would suggest a google search on probability (perhaps the key terms of "probability" and "primer") as there are many fine articles discussing the topic. Past experience has demonstrated to me that it would be futile to try to explain it further, but if you'd like to read the many previous attempts at discussing it, you can search these forums for "fizzle rate". I can only assure you that it is not broken, it is merely a temporary annoyance.

Dec 18, 2008
How "temporary?" Untill i get to level 58 and get unstoppable? yea i'm not wasting my training points on an accuracy enchantment on a card with "85% accuracy" So please Mr. Probability expert tell me, i just had 3 hydras fizzle in a row, and i would like to hear from another balance about my level about THEIR spell "efficiency"

Jun 04, 2010
awesome34 wrote:
How "temporary?" Untill i get to level 58 and get unstoppable? yea i'm not wasting my training points on an accuracy enchantment on a card with "85% accuracy" So please Mr. Probability expert tell me, i just had 3 hydras fizzle in a row, and i would like to hear from another balance about my level about THEIR spell "efficiency"

I have had bad patches in the past, days at a time where I had long strings of fizzle. It happens. A suggestion that may help would be to get a pet with an accuracy talent such as balance-it, sharp-eye, or sharp-shot. Even 6% more will make a world of difference. I understand that it is frustrating and I'm sorry if I have agitated you but I can only assure that it isn't broken and that it happens to everyone from time to time.

Nov 14, 2010
awesome34 wrote:
How "temporary?" Untill i get to level 58 and get unstoppable? yea i'm not wasting my training points on an accuracy enchantment on a card with "85% accuracy" So please Mr. Probability expert tell me, i just had 3 hydras fizzle in a row, and i would like to hear from another balance about my level about THEIR spell "efficiency"

Aloe! I am a lvl 60 Balance wizard and i would like to tell you about my spell "efficiency", I have, for the past four months, been fizzling abnormibably and i do think that KI has raised our fizzle rate to higher than a storm wizard in fizzle febuary. I Have, in the past 4 months, been fizzling out of control, like you hydra for me is the spell i usually fizzle three or more times on, and not just with hydra, others too! I dont think KI is going t respond to this topic since they have more important things to handle like bugs (fixing the PvP system) and making the other more recognized schools more Balanced.

Aug 10, 2010
You're thinking of the 85% the wrong way. It's not additive, it doesn't keep track of what happened the last time, it's 85% each and every time, each cast is it's own unique instance with no influence from the previous cast.

If you want to be fizzle-proof, you'll have to sacrifice power pips and get gear that boosts your accuracy, try crafting the balance gear from celestia.

Mar 18, 2009
awesome34 wrote:
I have recently noticed that my balance wizard has had some fizzles as of late with Judgement or Spectral Blast that were NOT that of the card's 85% accuracy. As in, i believe that KI has lowered balances accuracy without saying as much. When judgement fizzles 3 times in a row, it's obvious that something has happened to the accuracy of balance. So KI if you're gonna lower the accuracy of something at least say so on the cards?

awesome34 wrote:
So please Mr. Probability expert tell me, i just had 3 hydras fizzle in a row, and i would like to hear from another balance about my level about THEIR spell "efficiency"

It hasn't changed. Below is a post from a Balance wizard from back in 2009 complaining of fizzling twice in a row on a 85% spell.


In regards to fizzling in a row, here is what the headmaster had to say:

sghoul wrote:
I do think there needs to be some kind of limit to this. If not a hard limit, perhaps after a fizzle you gain a +5% to the next spell of the same school?

Headmaster Ambrose wrote:
Want to know a secret? The game already does this. In fact, it's more significant than what you are suggesting.

That said, we can't push it too far, or it would throw off the balance of the game. Storm hits significantly harder than any other school, and the downside is that it fizzles more. If you make it fizzle less, the other schools would suffer in comparison.

J. Todd Coleman
Headmaster Ambrose
Director, Wizard101
KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc.


Aug 13, 2009
awesome34 wrote:
How "temporary?" Untill i get to level 58 and get unstoppable? yea i'm not wasting my training points on an accuracy enchantment on a card with "85% accuracy" So please Mr. Probability expert tell me, i just had 3 hydras fizzle in a row, and i would like to hear from another balance about my level about THEIR spell "efficiency"

Then forever you will be locked trying to "solve" an easy, and obvious, problem. It is CHANCE, most times you won't fizzle, sometimes you will. Contemplate on this.

Dec 18, 2008
crystalfiod2 wrote:
awesome34 wrote:
How "temporary?" Untill i get to level 58 and get unstoppable? yea i'm not wasting my training points on an accuracy enchantment on a card with "85% accuracy" So please Mr. Probability expert tell me, i just had 3 hydras fizzle in a row, and i would like to hear from another balance about my level about THEIR spell "efficiency"

Aloe! I am a lvl 60 Balance wizard and i would like to tell you about my spell "efficiency", I have, for the past four months, been fizzling abnormibably and i do think that KI has raised our fizzle rate to higher than a storm wizard in fizzle febuary. I Have, in the past 4 months, been fizzling out of control, like you hydra for me is the spell i usually fizzle three or more times on, and not just with hydra, others too! I dont think KI is going t respond to this topic since they have more important things to handle like bugs (fixing the PvP system) and making the other more recognized schools more Balanced.

Yea i don't think they will either but it sure does raise suspicion. i mean if balance did in fact lose some accuracy storm gonna have to lose some damage, or life some healing power it's only fair IF KI did do something to our accuracy.