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Pips O'Plenty Pet Glitch!

Jun 05, 2009
I have my orthrus his name is Bandit. I leveled him to teen a while back and got the Pips O'Plenty talent. It said he gives me 2% bonus power pip chance. This was all fine and dandy, it displayed it on him, the power pip chance on the character sheet and the numbers added up correctly. When I leveled it to adult the pet said it gave me 3% bonus power pip chance and then it only displayed and added up to 2% on the character sheet. I recently leveled him up to ancient, the pet said it gave me 4% it said 4% on the character sheet, but on the numbers only added up to a bonus 3%.
Not the most iportant issue, but one that some of my friends and I would like to be addresed eventually.
-Jared Drake and Duke Bandit
Level 56 Myth