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Favorite pet tricks

Dec 31, 2008
What's your favorite trick you can make your pet do?

Here's mine: Hop in the deep water beside the lowest mill bridge in Triton. Stand close to the bank so your pet is on (or above) the bank when you face one way, and in the water when you face the other way. Now spin yourself around and watch your pet jump in and out of the water as they circle you, making their own splashing sound each time. Works great with flying pets and bouncy ones like firecats. If two people stand in the same place spinning, your pets can chase each other in a splashing circle!

My friend with a heckhound can stand on a shop roof in Krokotopia with the heckhound hiding inside the wall, and just his tail is wagging on the outside of the building.

All the players in my family love to see what tricks we can get our pets to do (even the grownup )! Tell us your favorites!
