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selling my house

Aug 16, 2009
So, I took everything out of my house and tried to sell it to the turtle and it wouldn't let me! Why? Is it because i have wallpaper in it? If so there should be a way to sell it.

Mar 12, 2010
stormstar16 wrote:
So, I took everything out of my house and tried to sell it to the turtle and it wouldn't let me! Why? Is it because i have wallpaper in it? If so there should be a way to sell it.

There is a way to take off the wallpaper and pick up the floor tiles.

In your house / dorm, click on the icon as if you are going to "Place an object" in there.

Then click on the tab on the left side for just the "wallpaper or flooring".

A new icon opens up on the "right side" for "picking up flooring" or for wallpaper. Then you can click and remove them from your house / dorm.

Maybe this will help. :-D