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Hidden shop?

Dec 17, 2008
Is there a way to get to the floating island above the three columns behind the shop at the oasis? I have used the teleporter pad between
the columns. You just have to wait for the right time for that. So far
I have seen or heard no way to get to the other island.

Sep 20, 2008
You have to wait for the teleporter to activate. when the red light reaches the top of the collums you will be able to get there.

Dec 15, 2008
Jawa16 wrote:
You have to wait for the teleporter to activate. when the red light reaches the top of the collums you will be able to get there.
I think DaWiz is referring to a different island.

If you go to the hidden shop in Krokotopia (the one activated by the teleporter between the two "timer" obelisks that you mention), you can see a SECOND floating island still above you and off in the distance.

Is that second secret island accessible, or is it just there for scenery? Do the professors have any word on this?

Jun 20, 2009
I understand you didn't mean the hidden shop, but when I looked this up I got to the shop right when I pulled my browser up again! This is SO good luck. I wish I knew how to get to that island. I was just thinking about it. I am the kind of wizard who wants to explore EVERYWHERE. Hope I can figure out!

- Christina Shadowblood

May 31, 2009
From the Oasis, once you finish the place, you're able to access a ship to the Krakosphinx, that's where the 'hidden shop' on the 'second island' is located; Just wait until you can use the shop, and you'll be able to access it!

Feb 07, 2009
iKaye wrote:
From the Oasis, once you finish the place, you're able to access a ship to the Krakosphinx, that's where the 'hidden shop' on the 'second island' is located; Just wait until you can use the shop, and you'll be able to access it!

That is not true