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Idea for Chests!

Apr 20, 2009
on w101 we sometimes see wooden chests and silver chests when we are walking and doing missions in worlds
on wooden chests we open it and we get gold
on silver chests we open it, do a minigame, then get more gold and sometimes a treasure card

but there is no gold chest!
there should be a gold chest and it should be rarer than the silver and the gold and when we open it we have to do a new minigame!

my idea for a minigame is that it would be called "get the gold" and we have to run in a maze and collect gold. we have leprechauns after us in the maze so that if we run into them we lose a health. but in the maze there is also 4 lucky clovers that if we collect we can run into the leprechauns and defeat them. after we collect our gold it is multiplied 3 times and thats how much gold we get in the real game. say i got 40 gold in the game and in the end i would have 120 gold!
also we should get a treasure card and sometimes a piece of clothing from that world like if i found the gold chest in mooshu i would get a mooshu hat or robe or boots

i really think w101 should add this and feel free to reply!