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Balance house

Nov 14, 2010
Hi i have previewed all of the crowns houses and by far the balance house is the boringist untastfull and does not have a cool unique feture why Why is the art of balance always treated like this

Jan 01, 2010
LOL, while I don't particularly like the Balance house either, it is actually a pretty cool design. Open floor plan, bridges connecting all the rooms, nice vantage point to view the whole thing and cool little side house when you enter.

I don't like because it has very little "outdoor" space (yes, I know the whole thing is open but there isn't really any outdoor space that you can decorate with trees, plants and the like) and it's a little dark and claustraphobic. The overall design is very creative however.

But I am a little confused about your view that Balance is "always treated like this." Balance rocks! It is very flexible in groups (you want blades, I've got blades) yet kicks it hard solo as well (Justice anyone?) Our shielding has no compare (poor wizards who have to rely on Tower) and we have the most owesome of the level 58 spells!

So if you don't mind, us Balance wizards are a proud folk. If you don't like Balance, please retire and start up a Storm wizard or whatever other school floats your boat.

But either way, have fun!