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New School and Spells

Oct 24, 2009
Hey, all wizards! I'd like to share some cards i've been creating for Wizard101 ever since I was level...something. There is also a school I've been thinking of. PLZ COMMENT!


Name: Nexus Wizard
Level: 59
School: Balance
Pips, Accuracy: 7, 85%
Desc: 595-630 Balance, Storm, Myth, Death, Life, Ice, or Fire damage

Name: Earthborn
Level: 27
School: Ice
Pips, Accuracy: 4, 80%
Desc: 310-345 Ice Damage or 100 damage + 270 Ice Damage over 3 rounds

Name: Balance Storm
Level: 60
School: Balance
Pips, Accuracy: 10, 85%
Desc: 500 Balance Damage to all enemies, and -30% damage to all enemies

Name: Mr Hyde
Level: 42
School: Storm
Pips: 6, 70%
Desc: 695-775 Storm Damage

Name: Hero
Level: 50
School: Balance
Pips: 8, 85%
Desc: 100 Balance Damage +670 Balance Damage

Name: Clockwork
Level: 8
School: Life
Pips: 2, 90%
Desc: 205 Life Damage

Name: Iceorinth (also as Hotorinth {fire} and Electrorinth {storm})
Level: 33
School: Ice
Pips: 5, 80%
Desc: 55 Ice Damage + 410 Ice Damage

Name: Power
Level: 12
School: Myth
Pips: 2, 80%
Desc: +50% Damage to next damage spell for all friends

Name: Dwarf
Level: 34
School: Myth
Pips: 2, 80%
Desc: 125 Myth Damage to all enemies

Name: Demon
Level: 60
School: Death
Pips: 11, 85%
Desc: 700 Death damage + half of that as health to self

Name: Mantle
Level: 56
School: Fire
Pips: 9, 75%
Desc: 830 Fire Damage + 300 damage to self

Name: Hobbit
Level: 45
School: Life
Pips: X, 90%
Desc: 160 health per pip to all friends

Name: Avalanche
Level: 58
School: Ice
Pips: X, 80%
Desc: 80 Ice damage to all enemies

Name: Krokotilian
Level: 35
School: Balance
Pips: 4, 85%
Desc: 375 Balance Damege

Name: Big Bang
Level: 60
School: Death
Pips: 9, 85%
Desc: stun all enemies for 3 rounds, 500 damage to all enemies, swap half as health to all friends

Name: Creation
Level: 60
School: Life
Pips: 10, 90%
Desc: 690 health to all friends and 200 damage to all enemies

Name: Blacksmith
Level: 47
School: Storm
Pips: 6, 70%
Desc: +35% damage to next Storm damage spell for all friends, and 400 damage (storm) to all enemies.

Name: Life Scarab
Level: 8
School: Life
Pips: 2, 90%
Desc: 160 Life damage

Name: Mummy Attack
Level: 24
School: Balance
Pips: 3, 85%
Desc: 205 Balance damage to all enemies, stun self for one round

Name: Knockout
Level: 60
School: Ice
Pip: 8, 80%
Desc: 100 damage to all enemies, stun all enemies for 4 rounds

Name: Nexus Shield
Level: 50
School: Balance
Pips: 4, 85%
Desc: -85% damage to next Storm, Fire, Ice, Death, Myth, and Life spells.

Name: Bigfoot
Level: 48
School: Myth
Pips: 6, 80%
Desc: 40 myth damage and 530 Myth damage

Name: Pyroceratops
Level: 45
School: Fire
Pips: 4, 75%
Desc: 255-315 fire damage to all enemies

Name: Balrog (as seen in 'Lord of the Rings')
Level: 52
School: Fire
Pips:8, 75%
Desc: 770-850 fire damage

Name: Fates
Level: 22
School: Myth
Pips X, 80%
Desc: 150 myth damage per pip over 3 rounds

Name: Zombie
Level: 48
School: Death
Pips: X, 85%
Desc: 80 death damage per pip to all enemies, swap half as health to all friends

Name: Ice Age
Level: 42
School: Ice
Pips:6, 80%
Desc: 440 Ice damage and +30% damage to next incoming Ice damage spell to all enemies

The new school is Time

Teacher: Doctor Who
Average Accuracy for spells: 95%
School world: Celestia
NOTE: Time is the exact opposite of balance ( as life is to death )

Spells learned directly from Dr Who:

1 pip
Stun all enemies for 1 round and 65 Time damage
Level 1

2 pips
Stun all enemies for 2 rounds and 185 Time damage
Level 8

Laws of Time
3 pips
270 time damage over 3 rounds
Level 10

Time machine
0 pips
all friends absorb damage for 3 rounds
Level 15

Time Dimension
4 pips
370 Time damage to all enemies over 3 rounds
Level 22

Time Lord
5 pips
500 Time image over 5 rounds
Level 33

Lost soul
6 pips
600 Time damage over 6 rounds
Level 42

Side quest spells:

1 pip
60 Life damage, 75 Death damage, or 95 Myth damage
Level 5

8 pips
stun one enemy for 5 rounds and 300 Time damage to all enemies
Level 52

The Final Countdown
11 pips
1000 time damage and 90 time damage over 3 rounds

10 pips
return 1 friend's health to full

0 pips
a Global spell that does +35% Time Damage

I'm leaving whoever reads this message to make other spells for the School o' Time. Tell about them in your response.

Happy Creating!

Quinn Silverhand- Master Sorcerer