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PvP rank obtaining system

Dec 17, 2008
For a while now, the PvP rank obtaining system has been broken, and I think it's time that it's been looked at and fixed by KingsIsle. It used to be that the rank obtaining system went by what your and your opponent's rank was and their level compared to yours. After an update though, this changed, and now it's based solely on rank. This makes obtaining higher ranks for low level wizards very difficult.

There are a few low level wizards with high ranks to begin with, so when we are paired, it's usually with a higher level wizard with a lower rank. For example, my level 16 ex-Warlord Necromancer is often paired with people ranked Private - Veteran level 30-45.

Who I am paired with is no problem. Many times I win, and sometimes I lose. The thing I most have a problem with is that if I beat a level 45 Private, I am awarded as little as 1 rank, no exaggeration either. This has happened to me before. And if you think that's bad look at this. If I lose to a level 45 Private, I can lose up to 38 rank! This has happened to me before when I lost to a level 45 who had 320ish rank.

I no longer can maintain my warlord status. I've already reached Commander, and I am continuing to drop with each loss. By the time I've reached the 1000 tickets I need for my robe, I will probably be around veteran-knight range. I'm sure that I'm not the only one either! There are probably many others suffering out there like I am. Something needs to be done about this!