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UnTransmute! Wonderful Idea

May 10, 2010
Ok, I was talking today to a friend of mine. We are both working on the GrandMaster Artisan quest. And she said something that is truly amazing. She said, I wish I could UnTransmute items. Now there is a truly Grand, Amazing, Great Idea!

Of course, I told her that and great ideas, never make it into this game. Sorry, hope I did not get anyones hopes up.

Jan 21, 2010
I can understand.
A low level, looking for ore, finds a diamond. It would be nice to be able to turn a diamond into fifteen ore.
Later on the low level may wish that he kept the diamond.

If they do implement this, I would expect there to be some material loss.

like diamonds only giving ten ore, and black lotus only giving seven ore and seven cat-tails.
Just so you ask yourself; "do I really need the ore that badly?"

Oct 24, 2009
I believe it's a great idea, especially when you need the elements to transmute a different reagent. For example, on the final artisan quest, you need white pearls and you may find a black one. If you can "untransmute" that and get the black lotus back you may use them to create a white pearl, and you need a lot of those... Sure, you may get only 10, not 15, but it really could help, you have no use for a black pearl on the final quest. So, the question for me is "why not?" :)