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Idea for new balance spell

Feb 15, 2009
Apocalypse: 14 pips: 85% accuracy, the battlefield turns into a overhead view of the world like you were in space and turns green with blue spots of water around, then the outside part of the battlefield turns into a space like thing with stars all around and suddenly a big power nova-looking meteor crashes into the center of the battlefield, it causes many natural diasasters like earthquakes and torandos and tsunamis and volcanoes and the glaciers in one of the bodies of water fly up and hit each opponent with 200 ice damage and taunt the tornados and tsunamis cause 400 storm damage and the volcanoes cause 300 fire damage + 300 fire damage over 3 rounds and the earthquakes remove all the charms & wards and the smoke that it's suppose to cause puts black mantle to all + power play to all enemies.