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May 06, 2010
Is it just me or did anyone else notice that simeon somehow got his hands on a dragon rider staff! and duncan grimwater has that real powerful death staff! I mean do these guys look level 45 to you.

Jun 18, 2010
Jan 21, 2010
Hmmm, they could be cheap look alike versions of those staves. Real people buy knock offs when they can't have the real thing.

We don't know how long simeon or grimwater have been at the university. Maybe he inherated the staff and studied how to use it, in his spare time, for like two years. We just don't have spare time because we are saving the universe...

As soon as I saw Duncan Grimwater's staff, I wanted one. I have been hopeing that it was a real staff and not an npc prop. I am glad to know that I can get one eventually. That, in itself, may be why those early npcs have those staves.

May 28, 2009
mario7709 wrote:
Is it just me or did anyone else notice that simeon somehow got his hands on a dragon rider staff! and duncan grimwater has that real powerful death staff! I mean do these guys look level 45 to you.

That Soulbrand i guess.