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Help in Briskbreeze tower!!

May 06, 2010
Can anyone help me get past Briskbreeze tower please?! I am a fire wizard so this is especially hard. So can some one give a time, date, realm, place and your wizard's name. Thanks Everyone. Kane Hexflame lvl 50 fire

May 20, 2010
It's an optional tower.

If you want to do it, I suggest going to the tower entrance on a Crowded" realm and looking for people. If none are there, you can try hopping from realm to realm.

It helps to go with an experienced group. If you do, listen to what they have to give for advice, as Briskbreeze can be tricky.

Apr 11, 2010
Hopefully lots of people will keep these key tips in mind then:

1: In a group of 4 be sure to at least have one member deal with the minions of the fire boss. This minion will pass until it has 4 pips. It will then strike with a meteor spell that has a base damage of 10000 to everyone. In other words, almost instant death. So be sure to have one member work on minions while two others work on the boss and one plays a support role

Best way to deal with the minion if you cannot kill it in time is to use the fire dispel QUENCH

2: Be sure to use the fire dispel on the death boss as well. It likes to toss meteors, although weaker, they are very frequent and will cripple your team if you aren't careful. Be sure to have a healer with you for this fight.

3: Death boss will use a tower after most hits. So if you wand the boss, it will activate a tower shield. If you have a myth in your party, it is best to have them in the second slot as they can pass by the towers after the very first hit. Myth should not be in the first slot for the death boss.

4: Don't take too long to strike! You are working in a group, work together, don't try to one hit kill the enemies here! It is a group effort, minimize the time you take to attack and rely on each other to pick up whatever health may remain after the first and second hits!

5: Do not trap the death boss! He will instantly cleanse them off!

And...that's it.

May 06, 2010
I meant can someone offer to help please. But thanks for the tips anyway. I know it is an optional tower(because it doesn't give you a reward) but I still want to defeat it 1) to get it out of my quest book 2) for that sense of accomplishment! Thanks to anyone who offers. :-D Kane Hexflame lvl50 fire

May 06, 2010
ok I finished the tower so this post is finished. Thanks everyone! :-D