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General Question...how do I?

Oct 21, 2008
I'd like to remove the / from my chat bubble and be able to type in what I want to say instead of using the menu. Someone else is like that and when she tries to give me a code to chat with her I can't get it...anyone got any ideas? thanks, Fiona Dragontamer

Hi there young Wizard!

This is a common question we get that i would love to help you answer. If you have an over 13 account user and your Filtered Text Chat is not working you will need to enable it. This is the same for the True Friend Code.

To enable you need to log in to www.Wizard101.com and go to My Accounts. From there you can enable the Filtered Text option as well as the True Friend Code ability.

If this doesn't fully help you out, make sure to send me a ticket from Support and I will gladly help you on a more one on one basis.

Good Luck!

Oct 09, 2008
I cannot go to the shopping district, it won't let me go through. Why can't I go through?

If you are having trouble moving between different areas, you may be on a server that is too full.

1. Open your spellbook and look for the tab on the right with two worlds on it.

2. Click on that tab and you will find a list of realms to choose from.

3. Click on one that is listed as "Perfect" and the click the "Go to Realm" button.

4. You will be teleported to your exact position in a different realm, and you should be able to move about more freely.

Nov 02, 2008
Sorry to say, but you CAN'T remove the Menu Chat button. If you can't get your friend's code, it's propably because you don't have True Friend Code. To enable it, get your parents to log into their Parental Controls account. Remember, you can only accsess Parental Controls If you're a subsciber. There, press the enable button next to True Friend Code.

Hoped that helped a bit,
- Michael ThunderSpear

Community Leader
I am doing a quest called administer cure. I cannot figure out how to talk to Alicane, or...whatever his name is.

Swordroll's Blog
You can find Alicane SwiftArrow in the Fireglobe Theatre. You'll have to defeat him in a duel to administer his cure.

If he doesn't appear for you, or you cannot enter the theatre, double check the history of your quest by clicking on the little yellow question mark on that particular quest in your book.

Hope this helps, and good luck!
