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Add the ''search for other wizards'' button.

Apr 24, 2009
i think we need to add this little tab so you can search for other people in the game and be friends with them if they accept your request or if they have request to add friends blocked or not because people are complaining because they 'accidentally delete a friend' i have had this problem before. but, somehow, i ran into that person again. i was glad i did, but now i have to worry about it happening again.

does anyone agree?

this is a petition.

yea, i'm talkin 2 u kingsisle

I'm curious as to how you plan to distinguish between the 4,935,286* Luke Skywalker characters in the game?

We appreciate that deleting a friend is not a pleasant experience, and it's a hard lesson learned, but managing your friends list is part of the game, and using the 'best friends' flag will assist with that.

*Disclaimer: made up number, not actual number of characters with that name

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Jul 04, 2010
How about a friends list that can be shared between all the of wizards on the account?

Aug 11, 2009
random1self wrote:
How about a friends list that can be shared between all the of wizards on the account?

I like this idea.

It is very difficult to arrange things, so that all of your wizards are friends with all of your friends' wizards.

Have fun!!! :) :) :)