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Special items

Aug 05, 2009
Like, if your storm every 2 levels you get a certain machine that aows you to do something. Examples for storm:

Mana maker recover 10-100 mana in a battle
Bad, good Takes 50- 500 damage in battle and attack 95- 650 damage to all enemies
Puddy puddle steal 20 mana from opponent

These all are one use and no pvp
Each school would also, halfway through the game in levels(25), a special thing they coud use OUT SIDE of battle

Balanace- Dig for treasure-
Death- Teleport to a wooden chest( since you aotu matically get it, you get less of a reward)
Life- Play a minigame for gold
Myth- choose one of 3 chests for reward
Ice-(only in house) Choose one furniture item to try to get a reward from it
Fire( only house) Move a furniture item to a red place to try to get a reward
Storm- Pick one of 3 friends that are purple and try to get a reward from them ( no stealing done)
I think most will find this horrible but just prove your point and and say Excellent, good, fair, poor, bad, total failure.