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Zebfrica Details

Oct 11, 2009
Okay, so I was thinking of more things about Zebfrica that other worlds have.

THEME: Africa. I think that in the "Lion's Den" the main quest would kind of be like the Lion King. The evil Lion at the end of "Pride Rock"-(Also part of the Lion King) would be where you fight Thrash (based on Scar [the closest to a cool name I could think of]). And you talk to Sambuh (Simbah), Chufasa (Mufasa), and Mala (Nala).

PETS: Definately a Lion Cub, Zebra, Hippo, Baby Giraffe, and a Rhino.


Small house: Mud Hut. Cost is 5,000 Gold. Description: Just a little island with a small pond and a little mud hut to go inside.

Big house: Camp Grounds. Cost is 25,000 Gold. Description: Three islands linked together. One has a campfire woth benches. The second has a large tent about the size of the Krokotopia Oasis Camp house tent. The third island is blank.

Zebfrica houses are small and cheap, but they are cool!

STREET MINIONS: Elephant, Wild Oni, Wild Gurtok, Cursed Rhino, Cursed Hippo, Lion Bounty Hunter, Laughing Hiyena, Infected Giraffe, Red Rhino, Lion Traitor, Hippo Mercenary, Lazy Hippo, Three Horned Rhino, Tricked Lion, Stripeless Zebra, Crazed Elephant, Giraffe Bounty Hunter, Striped Rhino, Hiyena Swordsman, Paid Hiyena, Lake Hippo, Grassland Rhino, Red-Eyed Zebra, Betraying Zebra, Sharp-Tusk Elephant, Oni Bodyguard, Gurtok Bodyguard, Elemental Elephant, Spirit Elephant, Hiyena, Rhino, Hippo, and Zebra Bounty Hunter.

That's around 30 different street minions!

SUMMARY (works for both logics):

The Gurtok and Oni Lords have risin, reunited the Elephants, and cursed the Rhinos and Hippos. Sir Reginald Baxby takes you to Zebricka to help the Zebras, Lions, and Giraffes stop the Elephants and lift the curse from the Rhinos and Hippos!

Meanwhile, the Hiyenas have joined together and are planning to take over the Lion's kingdom, Pride Rock, and enslave the Lions. Sambuh, Chufasa, and Mala guide you through everything to stop the evil Lion leading the Hiyenas known as Thrash!


May 20, 2010
We already have an African-themed world, Krokotopia, which is based on ancient Egypt.

Apr 18, 2010
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been seeing lots of these new world ideas. The best if seen were gigantica, Olympia, and Clockwerk City. This is the best. I'd change the name though......

Aug 13, 2009
I think a side quest should be like this:

You get called to Sir Reginald Baxby and he says one of his zebra friends has gone missing. Then he asks you if you would check down a few streets to street called Zabooki Zebra Hills.

You find crazed zebra warriors. Report this back to Sir Reginald Baxby. 3,005 XP.

Sir Reginald Baxby: Oy, that doesn't sound good! Why don't you go ask around some of the natives if they know what's going on!

Talk to Narikia: I don't know what is going on! All of these soldiers just came marching up the street like mad! Could you go and seek out one of my friends named Zebriai?

Talk to Zebriai: I know ... I am a soldier, yes I am, and I think you should tell Narikia that she needs to talk to a higher up rank, for I am just a private guard. Talk to my commanding soldier, Sir Likaiidik.

Talk to Narifikia: Oh, could you ask him about the whereabouts of these soldiers?

Talk to Sir Likaiidik: Huhh? What happened? Oohhh .... You say that my soldiers are on a mission without me ... oh yah, I fell asleep when these soldiers just marched off into the battlefields... But I do remember one thing; this guy named Bossaik Abbacslicia, he was creating some sort of battle! Hmm, that might be what you should tell Narifikia!

Narifikia: Wow, I think Bossaik is Reginald's friend. Go tell him this quick!

Sir Reginald Baxby: Whaaattt? Okay, go to his tower ... then come back here when you've done and finished the job...

Talk to Bossaik Abbacslcia in Zebrifica Barracks: Heheheh ... you'll have to beat me to ensure safety ....

Defeat Bossaik.

Reginald: Good job! Now Zebrificka is a little bit safer .... 10,000 XP