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Player exploiting arena right now

Aug 02, 2010
a lvl 5 myth wizard named Michael Shadowblade is exploiting a win in this current match I'm in. He refuses to play his last card so he doesn't get a loss so he is either passing or tabbed out "playing solitaire". This has got to be a major violation of your rules as this is beyond unfair (then again when is exploiting fair). Please do something about this. I have reported him ingame but nothing has been done. This match has been going on for 30 minutes of passing after passing after passing.

Mar 03, 2009
Dec 19, 2008
Gaymer wrote:
a lvl 5 myth wizard named Michael Shadowblade is exploiting a win in this current match I'm in. He refuses to play his last card so he doesn't get a loss so he is either passing or tabbed out "playing solitaire". This has got to be a major violation of your rules as this is beyond unfair (then again when is exploiting fair). Please do something about this. I have reported him ingame but nothing has been done. This match has been going on for 30 minutes of passing after passing after passing.

why didnt you just kill him? unless you didnt have any cards or you didnt have enough attack cards to kill him. if that is the case then i understand but it is not cheating he can do that, it is annoying but it is allowed.

Dec 21, 2008
Not cheating at all. If he keeps on passing, there is 0% chance he is gonna win. Why don't you just finish him off.