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Improving Myth 20% chance of double damage

Aug 21, 2009
The only thing I see going for Myth at the moment is earthquake being able to unfairly get rid of stun shields in the pvp arena (something that I think should be fixed as the four stun shields thing was introduced to prevent chain stunning and not to encourage players to play myth in order to still do it).

Anyway, Myth seems weak to me and I don't have much desire to have people of the school on my friends list or desire to play with them much unless I truly like someone. I think the best way to fiix myth is to give them a non-adjustable 20% chance to do double damage on their attacks. This would mean one out of five casts you are likely to see myth doing some incredibly heavy damage making myth players myth like. They can not trust this damage boost but they can be excited when they see it. It also allows them to defeat bosses in longer battles that they otherwise would struggle against or find near impossible to do.