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Allow texting with only your friends option

Aug 21, 2009
Players should be able to allow and to read text from friends only if that is what they want. This means if a person isn't on one's friends list then the non-friends text chat should not be readable, only their menu chat would be.

The reason for this is that one of my friends was in tears yesterday cause of the stuff her non-friends typed, and although she reported these people her parents are trying to protect her by not allowing her to use text chat for awhile. This makes it incredibly hard for her to play with her friends to try and avoid the nasty comments of her non-friends.

The best solution to this would be to give players the option to text and see text only of friends, while being able to communicate with non friends through the menu system. It would also be nice if one could select to text with non-friends if one wanted to mark such individual players as okay to text with.

May 19, 2009
True friend chat. Its already in-game if she now has menu chat and gave you and her friends her true friend code, she will only be able to see the text chat that her true friends have.