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New Storm Spell Idea for Grand

Aug 21, 2009
It seems to me that storm does not require more or much more damage than it already has, but rather instead needs to actually be able to use what it has rather than constantly having everything storm tries to do be nerfed, dissolved, damage reduced, etc.

New spell idea for storm:

Trench Coat
cost: 2 pips
type of spell: protection, self-cast only
effect: rids all negative effects on a player the turn it is cast and gives a charm good for the next turn that dissolves all negatives non-damage casts upon storm including earthquake.

What this does is it allows storm to build up their attacks and be able to discharge it like storm would like to be able to do but can't cause they are always interupted and nerfed.

This spell works great for storm as storm is supposed to be the strongest school, the major damage dealer, but as the game plays and expecially as pvp plays, storm has a hard time being able to get their casts off as intended. Storm does not need extra damage, it needs a way to get off and use the damage it already has. Two pips are afordable to cast a turn ahead of time to ensure that all goes well as long as fizzle does not occur.

If storm needs a damage boost to keep up with damage of other players in celestria, then another 10 to 20% damage can be tacked on when trench coat is used. I could justify casting trench coat at a 20% damage boost at a four pip cost. I could also justify casting trench coat at 10% damage boost at a three pip cost, but would rather it be four pips and have 20% more damage. Two pips is just right in my opinion if no additional damage is added on.

I'd personally love this spell.

Jun 09, 2009
Let's see how many people who complained about wild bolt complain about this, this is like a pets spell, do X and get a blade/trap/bubble on field.

Aug 21, 2009
This has nothing to do with wild bolt, though it does enable players to want to use the other cards more rather than being simply bolt happy. As it is now, you can't set up your storm attacks in pvp cause if you do you will never without extremely good luck be able to get passed anyone's defenses or lose all your pips on a dispell. You dispell a wild bolt, who care you don't even see the pip loss. You toss up shields against wild bolt or decrease its damage and again who cares, it was only two pips. Sure wild bolt may have a small card casting rate at 10% but with accuracy boosts you are bound to launch wild bolt one out of about every three times, if it goes the first time well the likely hood of getting another one off in the next three turns is pretty darn good. While triton and the other cards get dissipated and otherwise blocked, and then when you go to cast it guess what its increased casting rate does not at all mean it is even going to cast. End result, wild bolting is made to be the way to go even though it is a low pip cost and much lower level card. If wild bolt fails to launch several times, no problem at all cause now you have enough pips to launch storm lord or triton. Storm needs something that allows its higher level spells to be cast and actually chosen to be cast over wild bolting. That is what my storm spell idea presented here was all about.

Aug 21, 2009
It is getting hard to do any real damage as storm as there are tons of shields against storm, dissipate, damage reduction and the like. Ever play pvp when you have a ton of dissipates stacked upon you, I have. I don't see how this is any better than chain stunning.

Oct 02, 2009

You should of just put this idea in "MAKE YOUR OWN RANDOM SPELLS"
subject. It would be much easier. :x