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Death Enemies Need Life Shields

May 02, 2010
Hello, it's disappointing to me as a Life and Death wizard user that Death school enemies do not carry Life Shields. All other school cast shields of their weakness, such as Fire casting Ice Shields.

Can you please add Life Shields to Death enemies and bosses? This can give Life and Death Wizards a bigger challenge, and it seems too easy at this point.

Jul 04, 2009
I don't agree. It's challenging enough to get my Death Prism to show up when I'm fighting them. The premise to their not using shields is because they regain health from their attacks, so they're more concerned with getting their blades and traps set.

May 22, 2009
As a life wizard, them adding Life shields to death enemies is one of my greatest fears. The one thing you must remember is that Life does not have a DoT (damage over time) spell that would help against the shields as does the other schools. They also do not have an damage all spell. We must also not forget that Death school can circumvent one of our defense...spirit armor. That alone pretty much balances out Death's lack of a life shield.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life

Jun 21, 2009
Why do you have a Life/Death charater? They are opposites. I would suggest you start another charater, maybe a balance charater.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
MercMissionary wrote:
Why do you have a Life/Death charater? They are opposites. I would suggest you start another charater, maybe a balance charater.

Ummm, really? Have you ever played the combo? The work very, very well together. Low level you can use the death attacks (ghoul is awesome for a low level life wiz). Then you add feint at lvel 26...with the life blade/trap, spirit blade/trap, feint plus even a life damage spell, watch out.

And if you are worried about death only having an 85% accuracy...there are pets that have the chance of boosting this accuracy.