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PVP total wins and losses chart

Aug 21, 2009
It would be nice if wizard101 made it so stats on pvp wins and losses could be viewed on a per school basis. That is to say a simple chart that displays the total ranked wins and losses in pvp of all the different schools. It would be nice to see how different schools stack up against each other in total ranked wins and losses numbers and percentages, and for table size. People are complaining about balance not having specific shields against them that only balance can break. Well, if we could see a chart that shows balance school winning a larger percentage of the time in pvp than any other school, then it is obvious that balance should have a shield against it or something to balance things out more. Likewise, if a school is always losing, then it becomes obvious that the school should be improved so it can compete better in pvp, even if its pvp equipment is made to be pvp only.

I'd rather that people win in pvp cause they are more intelligent or better players than have them win more often just because they are playing a certain school. But until we can see figures on what schools are ranking up the most pvp wins and which are racking up the most losses and we can place the schools in pvp accordingly, we simply have no solid figures to go off of to better even the playing field.