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Booting players from a fight

May 02, 2010
Hello, some of us like to do some farming or just playing alone. How about we have an option to boot players from the fight? Only the first player (Sun) in the fight can boot others, and perhaps when booted, it sends the player back to the hub without any loss of mana. However this option does not include fights in dungeons or towers.

What do you think?

Jun 14, 2009
As much as I hate it when people join fights without asking, I don't think this is fair. There are some bosses they need to be shared, such as Viktor Snowcrusher. You can't expect someone to complete a quest, just because you had the opportunity to get there first.

What would be nice if more people had the curtesy to ask or if KI had a comment in menu chat that states "May I join?"

Jul 26, 2009
As much as I back the idea, have suggested it many times, dont think it is gonna happen.

My biggest problem is when people join fights, most big boss fights, then they go AFK for the rest of the fight. This is very unfair cause they get drops fro being in the fight without actually fighting.

What I have done at times is after the fight is done i see they are still afk I will restart the fight pulling the afker with me and I flee leaving them to get beat down by the boss. This removes the afker from the fight area so I can continue to farm or kill the boss without hassle.