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Stitching pets into mount pets

Aug 21, 2009
I have a purple dragon. When I ride my dragon I don't see my pet running along next to me, and when I dismount I don't see my mount anymore and it is replaced by my pet. I would like to be able to stitch the characteristics of a pet into the image of my mount, so that when I am dismounted I can see my mount next to me and when I attack my mount is there fighting along next to me. Stitch mount onto pet would be a good option to have I think, though brooms and wings should be excluded. Tigers, horses, and dragons, and any other future living creature type of mount could be included though. I know I could get a dragon pet and color it the same type of color as my mount dragon, but such a pet doesn't really look the same.

Jun 08, 2009
seasnake wrote:
I have a purple dragon. When I ride my dragon I don't see my pet running along next to me, and when I dismount I don't see my mount anymore and it is replaced by my pet. I would like to be able to stitch the characteristics of a pet into the image of my mount, so that when I am dismounted I can see my mount next to me and when I attack my mount is there fighting along next to me. Stitch mount onto pet would be a good option to have I think, though brooms and wings should be excluded. Tigers, horses, and dragons, and any other future living creature type of mount could be included though. I know I could get a dragon pet and color it the same type of color as my mount dragon, but such a pet doesn't really look the same.

i think our pets should get to run along side us when were on our mount or maybe ride in a little bag they could add thats hanging from the mount. but it would be cool if your pet could turn into a mound, i have a firecat. -zones out thinking of running around the spiral on a giant firecat named champ.-