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gaining training points faster

Feb 17, 2010
I still think its ok,but why do we have to get so many level ups before we get ONE more training point.If your level 16 you have to level 21 before you get ONE more training point?........................That takes a long time! Why not try players getting MORE training points depending on there level.Like when your level 1 through 5 you get ONE training point,when you're level 6 through 10 you get TWO training points,and when your level 11 through 15 you get THREE training points etc.

I'm level 19 pyromancer. I should at least get THREE training points.

Thanks for your time.keep up the good work! :D

May 30, 2009
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this idea just isn't doable. If we go with your idea and get multiple training points every five levels, then by the time we are level 50, we will have accumulated enough training points to have, I'm sure, each school spell there is. What would the fun be in that? There are other ways to gain training points, most of Zeke's quests give them upon completion. Just take your time and enjoy the ride. You still have a long way to go before making it to level 50, and allot to learn yet.