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randomly getting kicked out of wizard101

Aug 17, 2009
I worked all summer doing jobs around the neighborhood for the 100+ dollars I have spent on crowns for this game. I chose to purchase areas with crowns since my cash was dependant on jobs. I was not aware that I would not be able to do ranked PvP until later in the game.

Something that I do not understand is that before I got a subscription (I now have one so that I can do ranked pvp and pet dirbies), I would get bumped out out of the game occasionally. I understand that your currently having major system / software problems, although I have issue with this it is not the thing that bothered me the most. The problem that I have is that after randomly being kicked out of the game, I was not able to log back in, because it said "we have reached a limit for free gamers."

Could you please explain to me how spending over $100+ for crowns qualifies me as a "FREE GAMER"? I know that as the maker of the game you can do what ever you want but having earned and spent over $100+ on crowns that this game was not FREE, its not right.

I hope that this was was a mistake on KingsIsle to apply a quick fix address the games performance issues. I hope that this is not a case of being able to treat me badly since you have my money already?

I challenge greyrose (or any of the makers of the game) to reply to this and explain themselves.