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Celestia story ideas

Jan 03, 2010
here are ideas about story of celestia

When you defeated milastaire, ambrose tell you that that milastaire is actally his evil clone! he also tell you that aliens from another spiral want to destroy this spiral by clone one of the teacher, which is milastaire. he tell you that he sealed them when he was young but he doesn't know who broke the seal. the person who break the seal must be WAY stronger than him. then he found out that their next target is celestia! they want to get rid of celestia and celestians. everyone thought celestia doesn't even exist. but when bartleby creating the spiral, he use the leftovers to create another world,but it floted away far in space.then bartleby found out that celestia is coming back! so ambrosegive you the spiral key to celestia and rescuse real milastaire,destroy the aliens,and save celestia. oh and also find out who broke the seal