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May 29, 2009
You know how in Sylvia Drake's tomb, you find out that Sylvia Drake is SUPPORTING Malistaire? That is just wrong. If I were her and Malistaire succeeded in bringing his wife back I would say, "You know what? What you did was wrong everyone knew it. You stole Bartelby's eye, a treasure of the order of the fang, let loose a criminal mastermind in MB, and on top of all that raised and army of undead. Are you proud? Didn't think so! I'm leaving you forever bye now." and he would say, "I brought you into this world and i can bring you out of it!" and I would say, "Well what was the point of bringing me back then?" and he would say, "Hey you were the one who WANTED to stay there" and Ambrose would say, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" and I would win.

Jul 08, 2009
neopot39 wrote:
You know how in Sylvia Drake's tomb, you find out that Sylvia Drake is SUPPORTING Malistaire? That is just wrong. If I were her and Malistaire succeeded in bringing his wife back I would say, "You know what? What you did was wrong everyone knew it. You stole Bartelby's eye, a treasure of the order of the fang, let loose a criminal mastermind in MB, and on top of all that raised and army of undead. Are you proud? Didn't think so! I'm leaving you forever bye now." and he would say, "I brought you into this world and i can bring you out of it!" and I would say, "Well what was the point of bringing me back then?" and he would say, "Hey you were the one who WANTED to stay there" and Ambrose would say, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" and I would win.
Well... If she did that Malistare wouldnt stop. Malistare Fights You because CYRUS made an illousion of her.

When i saw it say his eye was taken out. Here is what they really meant

"Malistare Gourged bartelbes eye out."

And besides Ambrose would just sit there, he wouldent go to other worlds. Didnt you see how long it took him to go into golem tower at the introduction?