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KI admins i have a question

Feb 08, 2009
The new expansion says that pets will be able to be your allies in battle.

here are some questions

1. Can you control them or are they like minions?
2. do they use spells?
3.If they use spells can you pick the spells that they can use?

HEre are some questions on new schools, level, and world.

1.Since we are going up to 60 will there be 2 new spells for all the schools?
2.Is celestia part of the storyline?
3.Does celestia have new clothes?
4.Will storm have the advantage in celesti?
5.Can you give free buy backs of training points to all characters because it isnt fair to either make use buy crowns after we beat the game and used them all, or making us start a whole new character or deleting one if nessecary.

Here is my suggestion for you guys

Open the test realm early and listen to the feedback from players and use that to improve the game more and make it more player friendly a player friendly game makes a player rich game.(emphasis on RICH)

As we are willing to release more information about the upcoming expansions, all your questions will be answered at that time.
