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Suggested improvements for LVL 50 henchmen

Mar 03, 2009
I have recently been using the level 50 henchmen, and I saw some things that could be improved. They are doing some newbie things that a level 50 should "know" better not to do.

For example, casting a blade or trap, and then wasting it on a wand blast (why are they using wands of their own school, and not the opposite wand?), casting an attack spell against an enemy of their own school without using a convert, casting a blade of their school on a player NOT of their school, etc.

These things don't sound like much, but in the big battles against a tough opponent, every decision counts - and they are making some bad ones.

Is there a way to change the AI so that they are not making these mistakes?

Also, I have used level 50 fire, storm, life, and balance henchmen, and the only one I have seen use the level 42 and 48 spells was the fire henchman. The battles I have been using them in have certainly been long enough that they should have cast their big spells multiple times, but never did. The reason I paid for the level 50 was because I wanted them to use those spells. Is this a glitch?


Mar 12, 2010
There must be something they changed recently on the henchmen. I used them quite a bit before, and the only problem I noticed at that time was the use of blades or traps, then wasting it with a wand spell.

I started a sub-account, and now when I used the henchmen, they are doing all kinds of crazy things.

Example: I bought a fire henchmen, level 20 (to help me with an "ice" boss). He comes out and starts using "ICE" spells. And then continues to use everything else, except fire!!!!

I tried others just to check it out. Same thing happened with Storm, and Myth. Instead of using their schools, they used the opposite, which defeated the purpose of getting them.

This didn't happen before. Something changed...

Jan 09, 2009
I've noticed the same thing. I was wondering if the henchmen had been nerfed a bit. I've used them quite often and for a while now.. since I like playing on my own usually. They are not performing as well as they did when I first started using them.

I also wanted to make a suggestion of being able to hire them for periods of time.

Suri Rain

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
I use them when I am in my 'lazy' mood...or a friend calls up on the phone, etc...I have noticed the same things.

1) Blades on others should be a no-no.
2) All level 50 should have a sword other than their school.
3) The AI needs to check for school of the opposition and use appropriate spells (including prisms).
4) All spells should have blade/trap.
5) Don't waste blades/traps on minor spells (we players use lvl 42/48 spells at this level, so should the henchmen)
6) If I have my life players in a group situation, I realize that healing others helps my own chances...I may not attack, but as a group we win. The AI needs to 'understand' this concept.

Henchmen who I have seen cast lvl 48: Death, Fire, Life, Myth
Those not casting level 48: Storm, Ice, Balance

Mar 19, 2009
I think life henchmen need to heal because that is what I would buy them for.