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Jan 03, 2009
We've all been wondering about the possible new world celestia. KingsIlse hasn't told us anything to confirm this idea but so many people are wondering about it. If you really want some good info the best place to go is the friendly necromancer's blog


He's mentioned really good points in his blog and i agree with him. At the end of Briskbreeze tower Lieutenant Culpepper talks about something coming to the spiral, either that means something coming from some evil in the spiral or something coming to the spiral from somewhere else .

The lieutenant mentions Krokotopia, on his blog the friendly necromancer says...
"To me that says that you will see a tower instance like Briskbreeze over in Krokotopia next. And it just seems logical to assume that you will then go through all the worlds of the spiral completing a Briskbreeze-like tower in each of the existing worlds."

If your wondering anything you know where to go, let me know if you find anything else. ^-^