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could there be more 2 creating then crafting?

Feb 01, 2009
Hi! I just first want to say that crafting is great and that I'm not in any way tired of what the game is now....

Okay, so Crafting could be considered a skill.
if it is, great!
BUT! there should be more skills....more OPTIONS!

in all major city areas...Wizard City Commons... Krokatopia Oasis ect. There should be skill trainers where the train you for a certain skill.

collecting tied with Crafting is one- then maybe a different could be fishing, tied with cooking could be one, then tailoring tied to cloth-work.... such as:

you could get trained to be a fisher woman/fisherman and be able to build up skill to fish in other areas of the world, other waters where different fish may be. then, after, you could learn to cook by cooking different fish to make different foods where later you could eat them by taking them from your inventory and eating them to restore health. instead of a crafting table, you would get a cooking stove.

and so on... think of everything you could do? and make? think of the variety!
if you like the idea of having more then one skill and different trainers for each please let me know, if you dont then let me know why- if you have other ideas for skills let me know!

Do you think our wizards need variety?

please add on in anyway you want! THANKS! :)