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Duel question

Nov 02, 2009
I can't seem to find any info on this...

When you are in a duel, how can you see which targets your group mates are targeting and what they have chosen to cast?

If you are not seeing this information, you may have the 2d combat display turned off.

Press ESC on your keyboard when you are in the game and go to the fourth tab at the top (the one that looks like a joystick)
The third option down says 2d Combat Display - make sure this is set to ON and click OK

Next time you are in a duel with other players, look at the small parchments at the bottom of your screen - this will show you the name of your teammates, their health and the symbol of the sigil they are standing in.

Once they have chosen a spell to cast, you will see a small symbol indicating the spell they are going to cast, and the opponent they are going to cast it on. Opponents are represented by the symbols that appear in front of their individual sigils (dagger, key, jewel, spiral when competing against creatures)

To see what your Teammates are casting, look for the parchments at their feet to indicate their spell and target.

Here you can see Jack is going to cast a spell on himself.

If you move your mouse over the card symbol, you can see exactly what he is casting.

Here you can see that Jack is targeting the creature on the dagger sigil, and casting a prism spell.
