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Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Oct 07, 2009
I want to take this time to tank all the members of this company for thier recognition of Veterns.I had great GrandFather in WW1.My granderfather was in WW2.A Uncle at Normandy and a Uncle in Nam.In the 10 years I have been playing online I have never seen this.So thank you from the bottom of my heart.This makes me think more of this company than any I have ever played online with.
See you in Wizard City

Feb 18, 2009
I completely agree. My step-dad (who is very much a real dad as far as I'm concerned) served in the US Navy, during Vietnam I believe. And I'm proud of him for that.

I work for a comapny that caters to the military, allowing them to get a college education around their schedule, even if they have a shift change, or get deployed. We have lost a few students in the line of duty, while they were in our classes.

I say thanks to our veterans and current military members daily. Living in the United States of America, I realize we have many rights that are taken for granted by most of us, and it sounds cliche, but it's thanks to the men and women who serve, and have served, in our 5 branches of military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard). Regardless of why they went in, they have helped to continue making this country good.

So to all Wizard101 players who are in the military, or have been, Thank you.

Jul 05, 2009
As a veteran myself I would like to also add my thanks to KI for doing this. It's really something to see this in a game and your ratings went sky high with me for doing this. I served during the thankless days and it really means a lot to me.

Oct 19, 2009
Me too, My dad and Grandpa were in the military, and now we are getting rewarded because of this is so awesome. Hopefully I get my sword of valor but I didn't know the exact date my dad registered.